Monday, March 11, 2024

What Should Oliver Read Next?

Guten-cat, everyone! It’s me Ollie, aka Oliver, back for more radiclaw reads. Today’s book recommendation comes from my furry good pal, Brock. He suggested I give the book Snack Attack a bite. I mean try. Purr-haps you shouldn’t read this book on an empty stomach. This funny book follows three delicious, scrumptious…delectable…enticing…mouth-watering…I’m sorry, what was I saying? Oh right, snacks! This book is about snacks and while it made me purr out loud, it definitely made my belly want some snacks while reading. Sorry snacks, I may have learned the wrong lesson from your book. I guess I never paws-ed to think about the difficult life snacks lead. It also taught me to be more claw-tious of my snacks. I did not know that they could sprout limbs and run away! This is pawfully alarming to me but I must explain why my snacks from my treat ball are always gone. And not because I eat them all in one sitting like my human accuses me of.

I hope you give today’s book a read and don’t furget that you can always find the books I review in our pawsome children’s department. See you next time for another fang-tastic book recommendation! And if you want  a chance to meet this book's author, don't furget he'll be visiting Bremen for the Marshall County Reading Council's Young Author's Conference on March 14!

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